2019年2月12日 星期二

[New!] 國泰Cadet Pilot 招聘流程 2020

Stage 1A Part1: Computer based attitude test + Technical Questionnaire (FAA Book)
CX會放棄沿用10多年的Compass Test, 由新的Cut-E test取代

- Attention: Reaction Rate

- Attention: Monitoring Ability


沿用10多年的JKI Knowledge Test也會取消, 改用FAA的pilot handbook 作knowledge test

Stage 1A Part 2: ICAO Test

Stage 1B: Initial interview

Stage 2 Group Exercises , Flight planning and Technical interview
(Update Dec 19 : Flight Planning 已取消)

Stage 3 Medical and HR Ref Check

4 則留言:

  1. hi thank you for sharing. I am so interested to know more detail on the cadet interview! May i know what are the stages detail from 3 to 4?

  2. Guys thanks for the sharing.
    Btw does anyone know any female cadet who is 157-158cm tall but still can reach the overhead panel. Or is there any hidden height restriction? Thank you

    1. Hey HD, How is your interview going? I hope everything going well for you.

      Would you share you experience?
