2017年5月4日 星期四

國泰Cadet Pilot 2017招聘流程 [4月最新更新]

*This one is outdated, please refer to the latest one http://bit.ly/2SKuCsP*

從5月開始,國泰會更新其招聘流程, CX希望新流程能將整個selection process縮短至6個月以內

Stage 1 Computer based attitude test
CX會放棄沿用10多年的Compass Test, 由新的Cut-E test取代

- Attention: Reaction Rate

- Memory: Locations on Map
- Orientation: Jumbled Pipes
- Psycho-motorics: Runway Multitasking
- Psycho-motorics: Tube Flight
- Reasoning: Diagrammatic Series
- Reasoning: Spot the Difference
- Maths: Maths Word Problems

- Maths: Number Series 

Stage 2 initial interview + Technical Questionnaire (FAA Book)
沿用10多年的JKI Knowledge Test也會取消, 改用FAA的pilot handbook 作knowledge test
請參考: http://bit.ly/2uMyBoI

Stage 3 Group Exercises , Flight planning and Technical interview

Stage 4 Icao English Exam
會由NZ的電話改為傳統面對面的ICAO Test

Stage 5 Medical